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Tutorials —

Gravity Forms Video Tutorials

Follow along with our video tutorials to quickly become a Gravity Forms expert!

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New to Gravity Forms?

Are you new to using Gravity Forms. Check out our 90 second intro video or our compare plans video to learn more.

How to Install Gravity Forms

We’ll show you how to install the Gravity Forms plugin to get up and running in just a couple of minutes. (2:54)
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How to Create a Contact Form

Creating a new form in WordPress is easy with Gravity Forms. (2:59)
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How to Enable Notifications

Whenever a visitor submits a form on your site, you can choose to receive an email notification. (4:57)
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How to Enable Confirmations

Whenever a visitor submits a form created in Gravity Forms, they’ll be presented with a confirmation message, or directed to a new page. (4:03)
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How to Embed a Gravity Form

In this video, we’ll look at several different ways to add your new form anywhere you choose. (2:51)
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How to Use Conditional Logic

Conditional Logic allows you to hide—or show—fields, based on the user’s selections. (5:31)
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How to Create a Mailchimp Signup Form

With the Mailchimp Add-On, you can create a signup form so your visitors can easily subscribe to your email list. (5:18)
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How to Create a Quiz with Gravity Forms

Easily create quizzes that are automatically graded or scored when the form is submitted. (5:49)
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How to Create a Survey with Gravity Forms

Interact with your audience by collecting market research, gauging customer satisfaction and much more! (4:15)
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How to Collect Credit Card Payments using Stripe

With the Stripe Add-On for Gravity Forms you can collect credit card payments any time a form is submitted. (6:35)
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How to Create a User Registration Form

Learn how you can create a custom registration form and make it super simple for visitors to become registered users on your site. (5:26)
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How to Create Multi-Page Forms

Learn how you can Creating a Multi-Page forms in WordPress is easy with Gravity Forms. (3:10)
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